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Events 2014 - 2015


Monday 7 December 2015 - AGM

At this combined social evening and AGM we were entertained by the choir of the MK Community Cardiac Group. 


3 November 2015 - Healthwatch Health and Social Care Event, CMK

This is the biggest health and social care event in Milton Keynes. We took the opportunity to join with other participating groups and organisations. Our stall was to inform the public about our objectives and activities and to distribute leaflets about prostate cancer.


Wednesday October 14th 2015 - Medical Detection Dogs

With the Aylesbury Vale Support Group, we visited the Medical Detection Dogs Centre at Great Horwood. We were fascinated to see the dogs being trained to detect various medical conditions.


Monday 14 September 2015 - Cancer Services in Milton Keynes

A presentation by Professor Eddeeb, Sally Burnie and Sam Timmins of MK Hospital


Tuesday July 14th 2015 - Milton Keynes Cancer Patient Partnership (MKCPP)

David Buckley represented us at a meeting of the MKCPP at Milton Keynes University Hospital. A number of other local cancer support groups and other interested bodies also attended.  Joe Harrison, chief executive of the hospital, gave updates the progress of major developments at the hospital. A very interesting piece of information was that the hospital is at an advanced stage of negotiation with the Oxford University hospitals to set up jointly-run radiotherapy and chemotherapy facilities at Milton Keynes. Another presentation reported on the handling of NHS complaints. David was invited to give a brief presentation of our activities; this was well received and promoted discussion. We have been invited to participate in future meetings. This will raise our profile and increase our understanding of the care services available for cancer patients in the area


Monday July 13th 2015 - BBQ at Thame Football Club

Several members attended this joint event with the Aylesbury Vale Prostate Cancer Support Group. We made some useful contacts and both groups were supportive of possible future cooperation between the groups.


16th June 2015 - The Prostate Cancer Support Federation (Tackle) AGM 

David and Maria Buckley represented MKPCS at this meeting in Brimingham.


11th June 2015 - Awareness talk to the Grand Union Rotary Club

Martin Bell, David Tomlinson and Steve Bigrave gave a prosate awareness talk. The club kindly donated £50 towards our funds.


20th May 2015 - Shenley Wood Village Health Fayre

A big thank you to volunteers Ted Skone, Pam Skone, Sue Horne, Steve Bigrave, Alan Morris, George Conchie, Jeff Weldon, David Tomlinson, Maria Buckley, David Buckley and Martin Bell who all kindly gave their time to man our stall at this event.


16th May 2015 - PSA tests at the Masonic Hall, Queensway, Bletchley

Martin Bell, Steve Bigrave and David Buckley represented MKPCS at this event to help to raise awareness of prostate cancer. Some 90 men were tested. More similar events are being arranged by the Buckinghamshire Freemasons.


Friday 15 May 2015 - â€‹Prostate treatments and side effects

Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse, PCUK


Monday 2 March 2015​ - Diagnostic imaging

A talk by Dr Zahia Zaitout, Consultant Radiologist at Milton Keynes Hospital


30th April 2015 - Opening ceremony of Linford Wood Medical Centre

Martin Bell, David and Maria Buckley attended the event. This gave us an opportunity to publicise MKPCS and to inspect in detail the radiotherapy equipment that is frequently used to treat prostate cancer for both private and NHS patients.


​28 January 2015 - Buckinghamshire Cancer Self Help Group, Funding and Development Day

Steve Bigrave and David Tomlinson represented MKPCS in Macmillan Cancer Support event, in Aylesbury. A report of the meeting, prepared by Steve Bigrave, is available on request.


25 November 2014 - The Prostate Cancer Support Federation (Tackle) and PCUK Autumn Regional Conference

About forty people representing twenty support groups attended this event. MK Prostate Cancer Support was represented by Maria and David Buckley. â€‹A report of the meeting, prepared by David Buckley, is available on request.

© 2018 Milton Keynes Prostate Cancer Support. Website design and build by Richard Hackman.


Data Protection: Our mailing list is used solely for group news circulation. All data remains confidential and is stored securely by the committee in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The list is updated regularly and those on the list have the right to opt out at anytime.


Rev:322 - 04/02/25

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