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Getting Help - some of the many resources that are available



Prostate Cancer UK has produced some short videos about different types of support, knowledge and information for men with prostate cancer. We list a selection below for you to look at.

Keep Healthy: with Focus on Food

Keep Reaching Out: with Black Health Initiative

Keep Fit: in the Gym

Keep Talking: Men and Maggie's

Keep Fit: with Prostate Cancer UK and Age UK

Joining a Support Group

A Canadian TV channel filmed a report on the Medical Detection Dogs at Great Horwood. This included an interview with our Treasurer, David Tomlinson, and some scenes were shot at one of our regular meetings. Click the button below to see the report (Parts 1 and 3 are most relevant to our group):

A Woman's Guide to Prostate Cancer


This useful guide was recently launched by Tackle. You can access it





The links shown here do not imply any kind of recommendation or endorsement by us of the accuracy of the content of external websites. We provide links that we hope are of interest and use. It is up to you to decide which links to follow. We are not responsible for the detail of what you find there.


Prostate Cancer UK
Helpline: 0800 074 8383 or text the word NURSE to 70004b for a PCUK nurse to ring you back.

Address: Prostate Cancer UK, Fourth floor, The Counting House, 53 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QN

Prostate Cancer UK produce an excellent set of leaflets. Ask them to send you their ‘Tool Kit', which includes the leaflets. 


Prostate Cancer Federation (Tackle)

Tel: 0207 228 5952   01243 527650



Macmillan Cancer Support

Freeline: 0808 8080000

Address: 89 Albert Embankment,London,SE1 7UQ


Cancer Support at Milton Keynes University Hospital

The hospital's Cancer Centre has a Cancer Helpline run by Nan Davey. It operates from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. The direct number is: 01908 997634.


Cancer Black Care

The UK's leading support service for black and minority ethnic communities,


The Prostate Centre

32 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8GT
Tel: 020 7935 9720

A private clinic dedicated to the diagnosis and management of all prostate problems. 


Travel Insurance Companies that some Prostate Cancer Patients have found useful (not an exhaustive list)

Tell: 0345 90 80 161

Tell: 0845 250 5350

Tel: 020 3829 3875


The Continence Foundation


The Impotence Association

Helpline: 0207 486 7762


Orchid National Male Cancer Helpline

Tel: 0808 802 0010


Cancer Research UK

Tel: 020 72420200 switchboard 

Tel: 0300 1231022 support services

Nurse: 0808 800 4040


Lorraine E.K. Grover
Therapist in Sexual Wellbeing

Tel: 01494 670 181


Healthwatch Milton Keynes
Helps improve local health an social care services an make sure they work for you.

Tel: 01908 698800


Maggie's Centres

A place for help with any of the problems small or large associated with cancer for both sufferers and partners/carers.


Nutrition and cancer

Nutrition Resource



Patient support group in Surrey linked to Royal Surrey, Frimley Park Hospitals, St. Luke's cancer centre and research in University of Surrey

Provides quality-assesed links to information on prostate cancer

© 2018 Milton Keynes Prostate Cancer Support. Website design and build by Richard Hackman.


Data Protection: Our mailing list is used solely for group news circulation. All data remains confidential and is stored securely by the committee in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The list is updated regularly and those on the list have the right to opt out at anytime.


Rev:322 - 04/02/25

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