Supported by Big Yellow Milton Keynes.
Registered Charity 1199745

Become a volunteer

All the support offered by the Milton Keynes Prostate Cancer Support Group is made possible by the generous help of volunteers. Each volunteer brings their own experience and skills to this role as well as the time that they have available.
Could YOU help by becoming a volunteer? If you think you might then contact us at the email address given at the top of this page and we will be glad to talk it over with you.
Below are some of the areas we need more volunteers to help us with;

We attend local events where we have a small stand with printed information. We need some extra help manning the stand and answering some very basic questions and signposting the leaflets and booklets that might help someone.
Could YOU help us with this activity?
Could YOU help us make contact with organisations and businesses in Milton Keynes to promote what we do and organise our attendance at an event?
We sometimes organise events to help raise funds to support our activities. For example, we might have a quiz night.
Could YOU help put together events, help organise them and promote them?
Could YOU help research and make contact with other organisations in Milton Keynes that we could work with to create an event?

We have regular meetings of our MKPCS group where we sometimes have guest speakers and sometimes offer an opportunity for members to exchange their latest news and experiences.
Could YOU help organise these regular meetings?
Could YOU help identify suitable speakers for these meetings?
Each year we have to seek funding to support the work we undertake.
Could YOU help us identify funding sources?
Could YOU help us construct bids to businesses and organisations that might help us financially with what we do?

Whatever we do we support one another as a team and we would welcome new volunteers that can work with us in delivering this very special support to those suffering from prostate cancer.
Could that be YOU?