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About Milton Keynes Prostate Cancer Support

Milton Keynes Prostate Cancer Support (MKPCS) was established in late 2014 on the initiative of the Urology staff at Milton Keynes Hospital.


Our objectives are to provide public awareness of prostate cancer and support people who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer or other prostate problems. We also support and their families and friends.


  • We are a Prostate Cancer UK Partner and a Member of Tackle, the Federation of Prostate Cancer Support Groups.


  • Prostate Cancer UK has awarded us a Certificate of Excellence for our work.


We maintain close links with clinicians to help members access information about their conditions and treatments. We aim to raise awareness of the consequences of prostate cancer, and to encourage men to seek early diagnosis.


We provide a safe, comfortable and informal environment for members to meet one another for mutual support. Be assured that we observe patient confidentiality very seriously.


  • Come along to our meetings to chat with other concerned people and share your experiences and concerns.



Wives, carers and family members are welcome too!

Our Patrons


Tom Leslie BSc (Hons) MB ChB D.Phil (Oxon) FRCS (Urol)

Henry Andrews MBBS, FRCS, FRCSi, FRCS(Urol), FEBU, MBA


The Management Committee



The positions of Chairman and Secretary are currently vacant.



Members' Meetings are held on dates decided by the Management Committee.

The AGM is held in December.

Members' Meetings, which are publicised are open to everybody.


Meetings are frequently addressed by guest speakers on topics of interest and relevance or may be purely social events that give people the opportunity to get to know each other and talk about their experiences and concerns.

Admission to the meetings is free, but we do invite voluntary donations to help pay for the venue.


Topics at Member's Meetings regularly include such topics as:


  • New developments in prostate cancer treatments

  • Prostate cancer research

  • Presentations and Q&A sessions with prostate cancer professionals

  • Individual sharing of experiences.

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