Supported by Big Yellow Milton Keynes.
Registered Charity 1199745

Annual testing event 2024
Sunday May 12th
Our PSA testing event in Milton Keynes took place at the
In association with the ​Graham Fulford Charitable Trust more than 160 men were tested for their PSA levels.

Abbey Hill Golf Centre offered an excellent area for
our testing to take place.

It was not long before the men that had booked for their test began to arrive and sign in.

Three stations were set up and manned by the volunteers at the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust to take blood samples.

Each man was well taken care of in a speedy
but professional process.

There was time for each man to ask questions and ensure they understood what would happen to their blood test.

Each man registered on arrival and completed a short form whilst they waited for their blood sample to be taken.

Black men have a three times higher risk of getting prostate cancer than white men of the same age, but the risk for
Asian and Chinese men is lower.

Despite the seriousness of the test, most men arrived with a smile on their face and had the opportunity to chat to our volunteers and also seek out information from our stand.
168 men were tested at this event.
153 were notified as 'Green' (no action needed)
5 tests were indicated as 'Amber'
and 10 were notified as 'Red'.