​Tackle Prostate Cancer
Sarah Gray, National Support and development Manager of Tackle, gave an illustrated presentation on the work of the organisation.
Monday 13th February 2023 at 7:30pm
This well-attended and informative meeting meeting updated us on the new face of Tackle and how it helps support groups.
Meet and Chat Event
Monday 13th March 2023 at 7:30pm
We held one of our popular Meet and Chat Events to exchange experiences of prostate problems and treatments with others. Tea, coffee and refreshments helped to foster a relaxed and convivial atmosphere. The meeting was well-attended and discussions went on until well after 9pm.
Wellbeing Event at Lovat Fields Retirement Village
Thursday 30th March
David Wiggins, David Tomlinson and David Buckley manned an information stall at this event. We were very well received and successfully disseminated much information about our group and prostate problems in particular.
Wellbeing Event organised by the MK Caribbean Society
Saturday 15th April
David Wiggins, David Tomlinson and David Buckley manned an information stall at this all-day event. We also delivered our PowerPoint presentation. We were very well received and had many discussions during the day
Meet and Chat Event
Monday 17th April 2023 at 7:30pm
Committee members introduced themselves to the meeting and instigated a useful exchange of views on the group's objectives, fundraising, etc.
Presentation by Juliet Naylor, Macmillan Senior Sister at MKUH
(An afternoon meeting)
Monday 15th May 2023 at 2:00pm
Juliet and her colleague Laura gave a well illustrated presentation on cancer treatment and this was be followed by a lively general discussion.
One of our regular meetings to discuss problems and share experiences
Monday 12th June 2023 at 7:30pm
Our treasurer, David Wiggins reported progress on the new bank account and the arrangements for the forthcoming Quiz Night and PSA testing. This led on to a fruitful discussion on prostate problems in general.
Presentation by Mr Sonpreet Rai (Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon at MKUH)
Monday 10th July 2023 at 7:30pm
Mr Rai presented to a packed room a very informative and well-illustrated talk that included developments in diagnostics of prostate cancer and treatment pathways. He also gave an overview of robotic surgery equipment at MKUH.
Quiz Night
This was held on Friday 28th July 2023 at Abbey Hill Golf Club. Early indications are that we raised over £900 for our group. Thanks are due to Joanne (and her family!), Christiana and David and Yuenna Wiggins for making the evening such an enjoyable success.
Presentation by Emelda Moos (Urology MKUH)
Monday 11th September 2023 at 7:30pm
Emelda gave a clear, entertaining account of her experiences and concerns in relation to prostate cancer patients. This led to a very lively and productive discussion and Q & A session that lasted throughout the tea and coffee period.
Presentation by Srinivasa Rajamani of the Macmillan Wellbeing Team
Monday 9th October 2023 at 7:30pm
Presentation by Mr Tom Leslie (Urology Consultant MKUH)
Monday 13th November 2023 at 7:30pm
Our Secretary Joanne Baker, introduces our Patron Tom Leslie BSc (Hons) MB ChB D.Phil (Oxon) FRCS (Urol), who gave an excellent talk covering Prostate Cancer and Treatment Options, and answered many questions from the audience at this well-attended event.
Annual blood testing event 2023
Sunday November 19th 2023
Over 280 men took part in the annual testing day organised by MKPCS in collaboration with the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust. For more information click here.
Annual Festive Get-together and AGM
Our traditional cheese, wine and chat event.
Monday 11th December 2023 at 7:30pm
We were joined by Sally Burnie who is head of Cancer Services at MK Hospital.
Many thanks to the Ukele band MKLele, who entertained us
We also held a raffle to raise funds.
In the AGM, the current trustees were re-elected.