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AGM and Christmas Party

Monday 9th December 2019

Twenty-five people turned out to enjoy the fun and partake of the cheese, buscuits and wine. Please press the buttons below to read the Chairman's and Treasurer's reports. The meeting concluded with some useful and informative discussions, accompanied by our seasonal refreshments.





Awareness presentations to Santander

Tuesday 19th October 2019

We gave awareness presentations, at the invitation of Santander, at both of their offices in Milton Keynes. These were very well received.

Meet and Chat Event

Monday 28th October 2019 at 7:30 pm

Owing to the non-attendance of the advertised speaker, this was converted to a general meeting to exchange experiences and views and advise one another in the light of our experiences. Over thirty people attended this meeting including some new faces. It proved to be a lively and productive occasion.


Annual PSA Test

Windmill Hill Golf Club,13th October.

One hundred and eighty three men braved the rain to be tested.

Thanks are due to the management of the Golf Club for their outstanding assistance at this event

Presentation by MKPCS to residents of Shenley Wood Village

Monday 23rd September 2019 at 2:00pm

This event, run by Sam, David B and Martin was well attended. It led to a lively Q & A and discussion session.

Stony Stratford Summer Fayre

  Monday 26th August 2019, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

We had a stall at this event, which was organsied by the Lions Cub. Thanks to all who helped us on this extremely hot day.

Presentation by Dr Francesco Crea of the Open University.

The different types of Prostate Cancer and future detection methods.

Monday 29th July 2019

Francesco updated us on the latest research. The presentation was well attended and aroused great interest with a lively Q & A session.

Presentation by Anna Mason of Healthwatch Milton Keynes

Monday 17th June 2019

Anna gave us details of the work of Healthwatch, both nationally and in Milton Keynes

Tackle AGM in Edgbaston, Birmingham

Thursday 13th June 2019

David Buckley and Martin Bell represented MKPCS at this event.

Shenley Wood Village Wellbeing Day

​Wednesday 15th May 2019

We manned an information stall at this event, which was extremely successful. Many new contacts were made and we were able to disseminate a great deal of information and advice.

Leighton Buzzard Mayday Fayre

  Monday 6th May 2019, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Once again, we had a stall at this event in the High Street. Thanks to all who helped us on this rather chilly day.

Second Meet and Chat Event

​Monday 29th April 2019 at 3:00 pmT

This afternoon meeting on was organised in view of the success of the previous meeting. Thirteen attendees shared their experinces and concerns


Meet and Chat Event

​Monday 11th March 2019 at 7:30 pm

This was a general meeting to exchange experiences and views and advise one another in the light of our experiences.

© 2018 Milton Keynes Prostate Cancer Support. Website design and build by Richard Hackman.


Data Protection: Our mailing list is used solely for group news circulation. All data remains confidential and is stored securely by the committee in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The list is updated regularly and those on the list have the right to opt out at anytime.


Rev:322 - 04/02/25

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